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Poly-l-lactic acid (Sculptra/New Fill)

  1. Principle of action: Poly-l-lactic acid binds water molecules in the skin (long-term) and thus helps flattening wrinkles.
  2. Applied materials: Poly-l-lactic acid (Sculptra/New Fill)
  3. Indications: Deep furrows and tissue defects
  4. Preparation: Prior to the treatment of more sensitive areas, a local anesthetic ointment should be applied for 30min-1 hour. During your first visit with us, we will prescribe this ointment for you, so you can apply it at home (and come prepared); you may also apply it here and then wait in our waiting area.
  5. What to expect: Immediately after the traetment, hemorrhage at the injections sites, small crust formation, swelling, redness and bruising might occur.
  6. Side-effects: In rare cases, small nodules or strands might be palpable under the skin or even appear as white areas through the skin. Very rarely, these nodules become encapsulated and might require surgical removal. Sometimes 'over-corrections' occur, leading to a bulge in the skin which usually dissapears within a short time.
  7. All patients require a follow-up visit 3-6weeks after the last treatment for a final touch-up.

  8. Treatment results last 9-12 months.

  9. As the treatment requires preparation 24 hours prior to actual application, we kindly ask you to be punctual for your appointment, in case of a no-show without adequate cancellation, you will still be billed for the costs of the material.